Sauce Recruitment recently spent a morning in the company of Marie Rosier, a renowned empathetic Coach, Counsellor, Educator, Psychotherapist & Author.

Marie came down to our funky Bankside offices and spent some quality time with all of us; from consultant to managing director, finance manager to the office and operational management team. In the time she spent with us, we were enlightened on the concept and benefits of using Whole Brain Thinking, for both professional and personal growth.

Marie is a sought-after speaker who works with individuals as well as global businesses (many of them the clients we work with in the entertainment and media space.) We were lucky to have her give up some of her holiday time in the UK to join Team Sauce and empower us to be best recruiters we can be.

For those of you not in the know, Whole Brain Thinking is a methodology designed to aid individuals and teams better benefit from all of the thinking available to them, rather than rely on individual bias’.  The system derives from Hermann Solutions –

Over the morning we discussed the four different selves: Rational, Experimental, Safekeeping and Feeling. Not surprisingly Sauce’s consultants’ present dominance in the following qualities; expression, support, sensitivity to others needs, teaching /coaching and talking! Not so strong were the consultants’ administration and analytical selves!

Interestingly, I noticed that the way that functions into which I recruit require high levels of Feeling Selves coupled with strong Rational Self. Gone are the days when a marketing manager can be all about experimental, creative blue skies thinking and innovation, today (s)he requires a healthy amount of Rational and Safekeeping skills to ensure a solid ROI for campaigns. The Finance team noted that the skills of the finance people they meet are great, they sit high in the Rational and Safekeeping selves, however, to do well in media a peppering of Feeling and Experiential self is hugely preferred.

Marie Rosser is a very sought-after speaker on a variety of psychological, emotional and holistic health and well-being subjects. She made the morning hugely accessible to all of us, had us working collectively and individually to promote a harmonious and productive office space. We were very fortunate to have her spend a part of her London Holiday in the Sauce office.

If you’d like to talk to Marie Rosser about Whole Brain Thinking and how it can be utilised in your business, you can contact her directly through her website or via the girls and guys at Sauce Recruitment. We are all happy to make a personal introduction to her for you. (Her work and client base is global, not just in Australia).